DNS Hijacking: Frax Finance Recovers Domain, Funds Safe

Safeguard your crypto from DNS hijacking with Frax Finance. Discover their domain recovery & secure your assets today! #DNShijacking #CryptoSecurity
DNS hijacking

DNS hijacking targeted Frax Finance, a decentralized cross-chain protocol, on Wednesday. The project team managed to regain control of their domain with the help of their domain registrar. Name.com, the registrar, has promised to investigate the incident and provide additional details. As DNS hijacking becomes more prevalent in the crypto space, it is crucial to understand how this type of attack redirects users to fake websites to deceive them into revealing their credentials. Fortunately, no user funds were stolen in this incident.

Frax Finance Responds to DNS Hijacking

In response to the DNS hijacking, Frax Finance CEO, Sam Kazemian, expressed confusion about the incident. He stated that it doesn’t appear to be a result of compromised email or password. The team is waiting for confirmation from Name.com that their account is secure before considering it safe. Name.com has yet to respond to requests for comment but has assured the Frax team that a thorough investigation will be conducted.

Domain Regained and Investigation Underway

Frax Finance recently released a statement confirming that their domains are now under their control. They also mentioned that Name.com will provide further information after their investigation. This incident highlights the importance of domain security and the need for crypto projects to take necessary precautions against DNS hijacking.

Understanding DNS Hijacking and Its Impact on Crypto Space

DNS hijacking is a type of cyber attack that involves redirecting users to a fake website. This is done by compromising the Domain Name System (DNS) servers that translate domain names into IP addresses. By doing so, attackers can deceive users into revealing their credentials, which can then be used for unauthorized access or theft of funds.

In the crypto space, DNS hijacking is becoming increasingly prevalent. This is because the decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies makes them an attractive target for cybercriminals. As a result, it is essential for crypto projects and users to be aware of the risks associated with DNS hijacking and take appropriate measures to protect their domains and digital assets.

Preventing DNS Hijacking in Crypto Projects

There are several steps that crypto projects can take to prevent DNS hijacking and ensure the security of their domains:

1. Use strong, unique passwords for domain registrar accounts and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) to add an extra layer of security.

2. Regularly monitor domain records for unauthorized changes and set up alerts for any suspicious activity.

3. Implement Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) to protect against DNS hijacking by ensuring that DNS responses are digitally signed and verified.

4. Consider using a dedicated, secure email address for domain registration and management to reduce the risk of email compromise.

5. Educate team members about the risks of DNS hijacking and the importance of following best practices for domain security.


The recent DNS hijacking incident involving Frax Finance serves as a reminder of the importance of domain security in the crypto space. While no user funds were stolen in this case, it highlights the need for crypto projects to take necessary precautions against such attacks. By following best practices for domain security and being vigilant against potential threats, crypto projects can better protect their users and digital assets from the risks associated with DNS hijacking.