Argentina Election: Finance Minister vs Anarcho-Capitalist

Stay updated on Argentina presidential election candidates, their bitcoin & dollarization views, and economic plans. Don't miss Nov 19 run-off!
Argentina presidential election

Argentina’s presidential election has taken an unexpected turn, with Finance Minister Sergio Massa and self-described anarcho-capitalist Javier Milei as the top contenders for the position. In the first round of voting, Milei secured second place with 30% of the votes, closely trailing behind Massa’s 37%. Although Milei won the primary presidential vote in August, his recent victory came as a surprise to many.

Bitcoin and the Central Bank

Milei has been vocal about his support for bitcoin, stating that it signifies the return of money to the private sector, its original creator. He has also called for the abolition of Argentina’s central bank, labeling it a fraudulent entity. His views on bitcoin and the central bank are in stark contrast to those of El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele, who successfully made bitcoin legal tender in his country.

Proposing Dollarization

In response to Argentina’s alarming inflation rate of 124.4%, Milei has proposed the dollarization of the country’s economy. However, this proposal has received limited consensus, according to analysts from Barclays. On the other hand, Massa opposes the idea of dollarizing the economy and instead aims to introduce a central bank digital currency (CBDC) as a solution to Argentina’s inflation crisis.

Run-off Election

The run-off election is scheduled for November 19, where Massa and Milei will compete for the support of Patricia Bullrich, who secured third place with approximately 24% of the vote. The Argentina presidential election presents a choice between Massa and Milei, who have differing views on bitcoin, the central bank, and the country’s economic future.

Massa’s Economic Plan

Massa has outlined a more traditional approach to tackling Argentina’s economic issues. He believes that introducing a central bank digital currency (CBDC) could help address the country’s inflation crisis. By implementing a CBDC, Massa hopes to provide a more stable and controlled form of currency, which could potentially alleviate some of the economic pressures currently faced by Argentina.

Opposing Views on Bitcoin

While Milei sees bitcoin as a symbol of the return of money to the private sector, Massa has not expressed the same enthusiasm for the cryptocurrency. Instead, he focuses on the potential benefits of a CBDC, which could provide a more regulated and centralized form of currency for Argentina. This difference in opinion highlights the contrasting economic ideologies between the two presidential candidates.

Impact on Argentina’s Future

The outcome of the Argentina presidential election will have a significant impact on the country’s economic future. If Milei emerges as the winner, his anarcho-capitalist views and support for bitcoin could lead to a radical shift in Argentina’s economic landscape. On the other hand, a victory for Massa would likely result in a more conventional approach to addressing the nation’s economic challenges, with the introduction of a CBDC as a key component of his plan.


In conclusion, the Argentina presidential election presents voters with a choice between two candidates with vastly different views on the country’s economic future. The run-off election on November 19 will determine the next leader of Argentina and the direction the nation will take in addressing its ongoing economic challenges. Whether it be through the adoption of bitcoin and the abolition of the central bank, as proposed by Milei, or the introduction of a CBDC, as advocated by Massa, the outcome of this election will shape Argentina’s financial landscape for years to come.